I am editing a new anthology of contemporary Māori short stories, written by established, mid-career and emerging writers, ranging from flash fiction to stories of up to 7000 words.
The book will be published in 2023 by Auckland University Press. Darryn Joseph (Ngāti Maniapoto) is consulting te reo editor. Our kaupapa is excellence, informed by diversity: iwi, location, style, subject matter, point of view.
The anthology will include both new and published work, with a focus on 21st-century writers and their short fiction. It will include a substantial introduction and introductory notes for each writer and story.
If you are a Māori writer and would like your work to be considered for this anthology:
- Submit up to three stories, each no longer than 7000 words.
- Work can be published or unpublished, in te reo Māori or English.
- Deadline: Monday 2 May 2022 at 5 PM.
- Email submissions as Word attachments to stories@auckland.ac.nz
- Include your full name and address in your email, plus the titles of your stories.
- Please note in your email if some/all submissions are in te reo, and if/where/when work has been published before.
Every writer selected for this anthology will be paid a publication fee. The editors will be in touch with all writers who submit in June/July. Please note that we cannot give feedback on submissions.
All Māori fiction writers are welcome to submit, whether they are based in New Zealand or elsewhere.